Flyweight Design Pattern

Flyweight design pattern supports sharing of objects. In project, sometimes we have similar kinds of objects. Each object have two types of data.

  1. Intrinsic: This data is unique in all objects.
  2. Extrinsic: This data is common in all objects.

Flyweight pattern gives you a pattern to design these objects lightweight by sharing the extrinsic data to an external object. We store extrinsic data to an external object and use that external object in all our objects. We only make one instance of the external object and that is shared by all the objects.


Flyweight Pattern


IFlyweight: Defines an interface having a single method SetExtrinsicData

ConcreteFlyweight: Implements the interface IFlyweight and contains intrinsic data.

FlyweightFactory: Factory manages the flyweight objects. If the flyweight object already exists in the cache then return the flyweight object else create a new flyweight, add it to cache and return returns the new flyweight object.


Flyweight Pattern Example

IReport contains single method name SetCompanyInformation. Two reports ReportA and ReportB implements IReport interface. Both reports have their internal data in ReportName variable. ReportFactory implements the factory design pattern and return single report. In the ReportFactory we have maintained a cache. If the report does not exists in cache then create a new report, add it to cache, and then return to the client. If the report already exists in cache then return it directly from cache.

Below is the implementation of above diagram in C#.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        CompanyInformation company = new CompanyInformation();
        company.CompanyName = "ABC Company";
        company.Address = "Company Address";

        var reportA = ReportFactory.GetReport("A");

        var reportA1 = ReportFactory.GetReport("A");

        var reportB = ReportFactory.GetReport("B");

        company.CompanyName = "Z Company";

public interface IReport
    void SetCompanyInformation(CompanyInformation company);

public class ReportA : IReport
    private CompanyInformation company;

    public string ReportName { get; set; }

    public CompanyInformation CompanyInformation

    public void SetCompanyInformation(CompanyInformation company)
    { = company;

public class ReportB : IReport
    private CompanyInformation company;

    public string ReportName { get; set; }

    public CompanyInformation CompanyInformation

    public void SetCompanyInformation(CompanyInformation company)
    { = company;

public class CompanyInformation
    public string CompanyName { get; set; }
    public string Address { get; set; }

public class ReportFactory
    static Dictionary<string, IReport> reports = new Dictionary<string, IReport>();

    public static IReport GetReport(string key)
        if (reports.Keys.Contains(key))
            return reports[key];
        switch (key)
            case "A":
                IReport reportA = new ReportA();
                reports.Add(key, reportA);
                return reportA;
            case "B":
                IReport reportB = new ReportB();
                reports.Add(key, reportB);
                return reportB;

        return null;